Wiggly Wednesday

Our Wednesday activities at this time are primarily focused on our young people. Wiggly Wednesday was the name chosen by our kiddos to describe our weekly Wednesday meetings. We provide a meal, activities, and a Bible lesson. We have age-specific classes starting with kindergarten and continuing through high school. 

Every Wednesday during the school year,* starting at 5:45 pm, parents and caregivers drop off kiddos in our front lobby where they are met by our gracious volunteers. Our evening ends at 7:30 pm. Parents and caregivers will join the vehicle pickup line and kiddos will be released to you. 

  • First-time visitors will be asked to complete a registration form. 
  • All volunteers have completed Ministry Safe background checks and training to ensure that we provide a safe place for our kiddos.
  • Our youth (sixth through seniors) have a teen-themed area in the lower level.  
  • During the warmer seasons, we try to get outside for our activity time. 

**Please note we follow NLCS school closings. During the school year, if school is canceled there will be no Wiggly Wednesday.

Adult Classes - We do not have adult classes at this time. Please contact us if you are interested in an additional study.

Preschool - 5th grade

Lesson - age groups

           Preschool to 2nd grade

          3rd grade to 5th grade   

Youth Group

Sixth grade through high school

Wiggly Wednesday After-School Tutoring

Wiggly Wednesday Tutoring is a partnership with parents and our local school to enhance proficiency in math and reading. Limited spots are available and registration is required. 

Transportation is available from Needmore Elementary School for registered students.

If you are interested in the WW tutoring, please reach out to Needmore Elementary School for registration information. or Valley Mission's Family Life Director, Heather Ritter.  

Wiggly Wednesday Special Events & Moments

Throughout the year, we are blessed to be able to celebrate special events. In this past year, Wiggly Wednesday has enjoyed a special summer-long Wiggly Wednesday in large part due to our wonderful and gifted volunteers. We enjoyed a fun-filled end-of-summer bash as we concluded our summer events and transitioned into our school year activities. Our children hosted a Wiggly Wednesday talent show highlighting their unique gifts as well as several group songs glorifying our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. Our holiday season was filled with A Wiggly Wednesday Christmas and a special collaboration with Parent's Christmas shopping store.